If this is how your people
use your business's Microsoft software,
we should talk!
We coach businesses on using Microsoft Teams, Dynamics365, PowerBI, and Power Platform
Meet Lon Orenstein, Founder and CEO:
A 35+ year experienced Microsoft consultant
who knows business
It's one thing to know the Microsoft software stack in the cloud and how to customize it for a client's needs. Where to click, how to integrate data from different systems, and how to create a report are all necessary skills that most of the consultants out there know how to do. Microsoft can teach them that and certify that they know how to do it.
What's missing for many of them is BUSINESS EXPERIENCE. Steve Jobs, founder of Apple Computer, said it best:
A lot of people in our industry haven't had very diverse experiences. So they don't have enough dots to connect, and they end up with very linear solutions without a broad perspective on the problem. The broader one's understanding of the human experience, the better design we will have.
Lon has been consulting on technology with all different kinds of businesses for decades — small businesses, Fortune 100 businesses, manufacturing businesses (and their rep firms), non-profit businesses, real estate and mortgage businesses, the list goes on and on. Being able to discover what makes YOUR business unique and how to improve YOUR operations is a skill based on EXPERIENCE. Lon is a master at cutting through to the core of how to improve your business's use of technology, especially using Microsoft's software.
Click here to learn more details about Lon's business experience
"Success is a journey, not a destination. It requires constant effort, vigilance, and reevaluation." Mark Twain
Those of us at Living Business Online have the experience to coach you through that constant "effort, vigilance, and reevaluation". We offer multiple types of online "coaching sessions" to start our relationship with you and your organization. After the initial sessions, you can decide whether to purchase more blocks of coaching hours after you decide how we can best support you in achieving the success you desire. Click here for session offerings in the Store
"If I had one hour to save the world,
I'd spend 55 minutes defining the problem and only 5 minutes finding the solution." Albert Einstein
When implementing a CRM, Sales, or Customer Service project, you don't know what you don't know. We do — we've done many of these! In the Implementation Coaching Session we'll listen to your needs and objectives to guide you to short, medium, and long-term completions.
"The project is like a hundred drunken clowns with bees in their underpants"
If this sounds like what your project has become, let's get it restarted. Maybe your consultants have changed, or your salespeople aren't cooperating and using what you implemented, or maybe your business has pivoted and you need new functionality. It's a common problem that we've solved for many clients and we can
help you do this too!
"Information technology is at the core of how you do your business and how your business model itself evolves." Satya Nadella
As President of Microsoft, Satya is the leader that has built out the cloud infrastructure and applications that power this next generation of online software starting with Microsoft Teams. There are so many new offerings from Microsoft that it's hard to understand how they work together to power your organization's daily work. We can show you how to run your business better using these technologies.
Ask a question; describe your pain points
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